patachitra, patua, pot,pata, colours of patachitra, patta, chitrakars, patashilpa, pater gaan, , 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Purba Midnapur, Paschim Midnapur
Religions - Tribes
Drought - Disaster
Pot Maya
Photo Gallery
Village Map

Moyna Chitrakar

Rani Chitrakar

Prabir Chitrakar

Bahadur Chitrakar

Mantu Chitrakar

Gurupada Chitrakar

Khandu Chitrakar

Samir Chitrakar

Karuna Chitrakar

Ranjit Chitrakar

Rejab Chitrakar

Shahjehan Chitrakar

Madhu Chitrakar

Manimala Chitrakar

Sarabala Chitrakar

Tapan Chitrakar

Amit Chitrakar

Chandan Chitrakar

Uttam Chitrakar

Kartik Chitrakar

Dulal Chitrakar

Ganesh Chitrakar

Ismail Chitrakar

Gura Chitrakar

Rahaman Chitrakar

Rabbani Chitrakar


Rahim Chitrakar

Ushiara Chitrakar

Jamal Chitrakar

Jabed Chitrakar

Purna Chitrakar

Yakub Chitrakar

Nidhu Chitrakar

Sanwar Chitrakar

Swarna Chitrakar

Anwar Chitrakar


Gurupada Chitrakar

Manu Chitrakar

Rahim Chitrakar

Swarna Chitrakar

Chandan Chitrakar

Sanwar Chitrakar

Anwar Chitrakar

Bahadur Chitrakar

Prabir Chitrakar

Shyamsundar and
Rani Chitrakar


Malek Chitrakar

Yakub Chitrakar

Ananda Chitrakar

Raju Chitrakar

Jamela Chitrakar

Ebath Chitrakar

Nani Gopal Chitrakar



Pot Maya

Home ----- Village Map ----- Colours ----- Chitrataru ----- Photo Gallery


Patachitra Festival
Naya, Pingla, West Medinipur

Patachitra, an ancient folk art of Bengal , is appreciated by art lovers all over the world for its effortless style of drawings, colours, lines and space usage. The world Pata derived from the Sanskrit word Patta means cloth. The painters are called Patuas. Patuas do not just paint, they also sing as they unfurl the painting scroll to show it to the audience. These songs are known as Pater Gaan. The songs are of wide variety ranging from traditional mythological tales and tribal rituals to stories based on modern Indian history and contemporary issues like protecting forests and preventing spread of HIV/AIDS. Patuas generally use natural colours, which they procure from various trees, leaves, flowers and clays.


Pot-Maya 2022 (21 JAN 2022 AT 10:00 – 23 JAN 2022 AT 19:00), Naya, Pingla, Paschim Medinipur
See you all at Pot Maya 2022 to be held on Jan 21-23, 2022 At Naya, Pingla, Paschim Medinipur. Naya village is 3-4 hour drive from Kolkata and 2 hour drive from Midnapore. The village has a folk art resource centre ( CHITRATARU ) which showcases Patachitra paintings and products. Workshops are also held with visitors learning the process of making natural paint. Please visit with your friends and families.

Mamoni Chitrakar, Naya, Pingla, West Medinipore
Patachitra painter with her own work - ( Want to buy online ? )

Patachitra has been mentioned in Puranas, Epics, Ancient Literatures and Historical Descriptions. The style of painting is similar to the cave paintings of Mohenjodaro, Harappa and Ajanta . ‘Patuas' and ‘Chitrakars' have been referred to in literary works dating back to more then 2500 years. Some researchers opine that ‘Patashilpa' was originally an art from of the Santhals (tribal community).


It was popular among Hindu tribes like Santhals, Hos, Munda, Juangs and Kherias who painted ‘Patachitras' depicting the birth of their first ancestors Pilchu Haram and Pilchu Burhi; how they had seven sons and seven daughters and how these seven brothers were married to their sisters. With the growing influence of Buddhism, the Patuas embraced the faith. Buddhist kings and monks made extensive use of scroll paintings to preach Buddhism and during this time Patachitra probably spread to Bali, Java, Sri-Lanka , Malaysia and Tibet . With Muslim invasions, Islam spread and the Chitrakars became followers of Islam.

Patachitra painter with her own work
Patachitra painter with her own work - ( Want to buy online ? )

Since 2004, banglanatak dot com is working with 230 Patuas to rejuvenate the dying art form. The Patuas have learned to make diverse products using their painting skills. They are also using their art from as tool for social communication. The art form has become a means of livelihood. This has led to reduction of poverty and most importantly empowerment of the women in the community. The Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre (with support of Ministry of Rural Development) supported capacity building and promotional activities during 2005-2009. Today young people are learning the art from their living Gurus. Project Ethno-magic Going Global (EGG), an ongoing initiative by banglanatak dot com supported by the European Union has facilitated interaction between Patuas and Contemporary painters and new media artists from Europe . Health insurance has been provided to the artists and their families. Resource centre is being developed at Pingla.


Since 2004, banglanatak dot com is working with the Patuas of East and West Medinipore to revive their unique traditions of Patachitra and Pater Gaan. The Patuas paint tales on long scrolls of cloth and sing them as they unfurl the scrolls. Their diverse repertoire includes mythological stories, tribal folk lore, social messages and narrations on contemporary events. Pot-Maya is an endeavor to showcase this rich oral tradition of a community skilled in translating their ideas through colourful images and soulful tunes. It is an output of banglanatak's ongoing Project Ethnomagic Going Global supported by the European Union.


How to reach :

By car: Reach Debra along NH6 and turn left to Balichak, drive towards Mundamari crossing - then take left road and reach Pingla.

By train: Reach Balichak from Howrah , then 20 minutes by road (Bus and Car available).

By bus: Reach Debra (Towards Kharagpur). Then Naya (Pingla) towards Moyna.

Where to stay :

There is no hotel. The chitrakars will house the visitors in their homes on request. No advance booking needed.

banglanatak dot com
Project Ethno-magic Going Global (EGG), an ongoing initiative by banglanatak dot com supported by the European Union
Europian Union


Patua Village Map
Colours of Patachitra
Photo Gallery of Pot-Maya
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