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Revolutions in Midnapore - 42's Revolution
Nil Bidroho

Swadeshi Andolan

42's Revolution

Laban Andolan

Boycott Andolan - Santan Dal -- Tax & Punitive Tax

Tamralipta national --------------government

Thana Dakhal

Mahisadal Thana

Hijli Hatyakando

Santrashbadi Andolan

Quite India Movement in --------Midnapore

leftist Movement

Bhag Chasi Andolan

Birth of Communist Party

Trade Union movement & -------Kharagpur Rail Strike

Midnapore Bharat Sabha

Indian National Congress

Gupta Samiti

Ahimsa & Asahajog Andolan ---in Midnapore

Union Board boycott

Choukidari Khajna Bandha ------Andolan

Borgi Hangama & Andolan

Lodha Andolan

Mulangi Andolan

Charam Panthi Andolan

Ahimsa Sangram

Laban Andolan in Haschara, -----Nandigram

Tebhaga Andolan

Santal Bidroho

Banga Bhanga Andolan

Sahitya Andolan

Jharkhand Andolan

Naksal Andolan

Krishi Sabuj Biplab

Swadhin Medinipure Rajnoitik ---O Santrashbadi Andolan

Nagpur Congress

Contribution of National ---------Schools in Asahajog Andolan

Court boycott

Why Congress was so strong ---
in Midnapore?

Asahajog & Tilak Swarajya ------Bhandar

Protest against 5 th Jorge's -----India Tour

Midnapore workers in prison

Desbondhu Chittaranjan Das, --- Biren Shasmal's Arrest

Biren Sasmal's return from -----jail and huge welcome

Asahajog & Chourichoura

Gandhi withdraws Satyagraha --

Aain amanya & Gandhi ji in -----Jail

Asahajog Swaraj Dal Gathan

Midnapore District Board (Jila -- Parisad)

Desopran Birendra & -- - - - - -- Desobondhu Chittoranjan

Tarakeshwar Satyagraha

Bangia pradeshik rastrio ------- sammelon , 1925,1926

1 st world war

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