The first Telegraph line (1851-52) of India------------------------------- Download Wallpaper 1024*768
Khejuri was a famous port till 18 th century. Raja Rammohon Roy left for England from this port.

The first Telegraph line (1851-52) of India------------------------------- Download Wallpaper 1024*768
The first Telegraph line (1851-52) of India was established here between Calcutta and Khejuri.
Khejuri Burial Ground

Khejuri Burial Ground

Khejuri Burial Ground
This Burial Ground has historic value. Approximately 33 tombs are there surrounded by a wall. Tombs are dated from 17 th century to 1865.

Kaokhaki Light House
80 ft high, five storied light house . the light house is not In use from 1923.
Hijli Mosque and Taj-Kha Masnad-E-Als's Tomb,
Kasba Hijli
5 miles south from Kaokhali is Kasba Hijli village, it was Taj-Kha's capital. Job Charnak established his first camp here.you can see Hijli Nabab family's founder Taj-Kha Masnad-E-Als's Tomb (1555) here. The mosque here is very famous.