Karna Sen, ruler of Moynagarh under the authority of the king of gaurh, lost his six sons in his attempt to put down the rebellion of Ichhai Ghose, the ruler of Dhekurgarh. Karna Sen's wife and his six daughters-in-law died from broken heart. The shocked and lonely Karna Sen was in great agony. The king of Gaurh took pity on Karna sen and to assuage his anguish the king of Gaurh gave Ranjabati, his sister-in-law in marriage to Karna sen. Ranjabati's brother and minister Mahamad was dead against this marriage. So he became very angry with his sister and her husband.

Terracotta of army boat outside Lokeshwara Temple - Moyna Garh, East Medinipur. Photo: Arindam Bhowmik
But as ill luck would have it, Ranjabati could not give birth to a child. Mahamad took his opportunity to insult his sister by calling her a sterile woman. Ranjabati was deeply shocked by this insult. She meditated death and impaled herself on a spike turning a deaf ear to everyone's supplication. With the sincerest prayer to god Dharma for either a son or death, she sat on the spike and suffered the death agony surrendering herself to god Dharma. At last god Dharma was pleased by the unflinching devotion of Ranjabati and granted her prayer for a child. As the child came out of a bottle gourd, it was named Lausen. God Dharma gave Ranjabati another son Karpur Sen as playmate of Lausen. 
Terracotta of army boat outside Lokeshwara Temple - Moyna Garh, East Medinipur. Photo: Arindam Bhowmik
Wild with rage uncle Mahamad conspired to take revenge on his sister by doing harm to these two children. But all his attempts were frustrated by god Dharma. Lausen and Karpur Sen grew up beautiful and strong. They learnt the art of using arms with the powerful and great warrior `Hanuman'. Then the two brothers set out for Gaurh. On the way they killid the `Kamdal' tiger and the crocodile in the Taradighi. Near Solaghat they got entangled in the deceptive temptations of a wicked temptress. They had great difficulty in coming out of the snares. At last they reached the court palace. The king of Gaurh was pleased with LauSen for his heroic adventure.
Meanwhile Mahamad, the ever jealous and always conspiring to harm LauSen advised the King of Gaurh to send LauSen to put down the King of Kamrup. Lausen succeeded with the help of Kalu Dom and his wife Lakhai to defeat the King of Kamrup. The triumphant Lausen married princess Kalinga and started for his Kingdom. On the way he married princess Amala of Mangalkote and princess Bimala of Burdwan. Kanarha, the princes of Simul had a vow. She would marry the man who would be able to cut into two an iron rhinoceros at one stroke. LauSen did it and had Kanarha as his wife.
Mahamad had his evil wish again. This time LauSen was sent against Ichhai Ghose, the king of Dhekur. A bloody battle took place on the bank of the river Ajoy. LauSen came out victorious at the blessing of god Dharma. When Mahamad's every attempt to disgrace LauSen failed, he set LauSen to an impossible task. The king of Gaurh bade LauSen show him the sun rising in the west on pain of death. |
This time also Dharma helped him do the impossible.
when Lausen was going through religious austerities in order to meditate deeply on god Dharma, Mahamad invaded Moynagarh. Kalu Dom, the protector of the city was bribed and made inactive. The wife of Kalu Dom remonstrated with her husband and roused her patriotic spirit and Kalu Dom went to war with Mahamd. In this battle Kalu Dom along with his son and wife was killed.
The queen Kalinga was also killed. But Mahamad was defeated by queen Kanarha and was forced to flee. When LauSen came back from meditation and found his kingdom devastated, he began to sing the praise of god Dharma. Dharma gave back all the lives lost in the battle and cursed Mahamad with leprosy. Lausen was good enough to pray for his cure and Mahamad was cured. Thereafter LauSen lived in peace and happiness for a long time and leaving the charge of the Kingdom to his son ChitraSen, went to Heaven with all his wives.
Terracotta of army boat outside Lokeshwara Temple - Moyna Garh, East Medinipur. Photo: Arindam Bhowmik |
Terracotta of army boat outside Lokeshwara Temple - Moyna Garh, East Medinipur. Photo: Arindam Bhowmik |

Terracotta of army boat outside Lokeshwara Temple - Moyna Garh, East Medinipur. Photo: Arindam Bhowmik